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Kim Wells

Kim Wells

PR & Marketing Specialist for the Eastern Region Virginia State Parks.

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Pawpaws are the star of Inaugural Festival held at Powhatan State Park

By Kim WellsPosted September 05, 2023
Pawpaws have been around for many years and can still be found at Powhatan State Park. In honor of the park's 10th anniversary, a Pawpaw Festival and 10-mile race are held to showcase the park's natural beauty.
pawpaw fruit cut in half open in hand

The Importance of Vernal Pools

By Kim WellsPosted March 10, 2023
Do you know what a vernal pool is and what animals live there? Vernal pools are important for some species survival. I highly recommend checking out a Vernal Pool Program at a Virginia State Park to learn more about these pools first-hand.
A small pool of water in a forest blanketed with leaves, with eggs floating on the surface

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